Our Mission
The Palmetto Bluff Conservancy is a non-profit organization created to conserve the natural and cultural resources at Palmetto Bluff for its members and the general public. We are dedicated to stewardship, planning, protection, and management of the land, water, wetlands, open spaces, ecosystems, and history contained therein for the benefit of present and future generations. We are, essentially, the keeper of the natural and historical world at Palmetto Bluff.
“The first rule in intelligent tinkering is to keep all the parts.”
– Aldo Leopold,
A Sand County Almanac
What We Do
Land & Wildlife management
History & Archaeology
Education & Outreach
Conservancy Programs
With a vast outdoor classroom at our fingertips, the Palmetto Bluff Conservancy team members are ambassadors to each resident and guest, introducing them to this landscape in ways large and small, structured and informal. Tours, classes and workshops, programs, research, and field trips are all available to facilitate this environmental learning process.

Songbirds of Spring
As April approaches the promise of spring is unmistakable here at the Bluff, especially for bird enthusiasts. Above us, migratory flocks signal the start of a new season. Northern parulas, often among the first to migrate, arrive early in March. Their song—a r...
Mar 2025

Three Can't-Miss Conservancy Events
The Palmetto Bluff Conservancy is starting 2025 off with a calendar full of exciting educational events and workshops. At the Bluff, we are lucky to have an abundance of programming for both members and the public. We asked Outreach & Education Manager Aar...
Feb 2025

Noticing November’s Natural Shifts
As summer’s heavy air fades into fall’s cool breezes, our resident wildlife are busy preparing for another Lowcountry winter.In the fall, eastern wild turkeys move into habitats mostly dominated by hardwood trees such as oaks, hickories, beeches, cypresses, tu...
Nov 2024

Preserving Paradise: The Mission of the Palmetto Bluff Conservancy
Protecting Nature and History at Palmetto Bluff In the heart of South Carolina's Lowcountry lies Palmetto Bluff, a sanctuary of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant ecosystems. Since its establishment in 2003, the Palmetto Bluff Conservancy has been dedi...
Jun 2024

Palmetto Bluff Conservancy 2024 Summer Camps
The Conservancy is looking forward to another summer of fun with our upcoming kid's programs! Wild Child Camp and Junior Naturalist Camp will have dedicated weeks in June. Registration is $200 per child for the week. To participate, parents must fill out t...
Apr 2024

Palmetto Bluff Buffalo Run 2023: A Celebration of Endurance, Nature, and Community
A Recap of the 2034 Buffalo Run The Palmetto Bluff Buffalo Run celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, December 11, 2023, drawing in a record-breaking crowd of over 500 runners. The event, nestled in the heart of Palmetto Bluff's 20,000 acres of natural sp...
Dec 2023

From The Ashes
Story and Photographs by Joel Caldwell I am driving through the predawn dark, trying to find the office of Jay Walea, the longtime Director of the Palmetto Bluff Conservancy. It’s a warm morning in late May, my windows are down, and I’m listening to that pecu...
Nov 2023
Conservation Partners

We Appreciate Your Support.
The Palmetto Bluff Conservancy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, focuses on outreach, education, research, land and wildlife management, and conservation of Palmetto Bluff’s natural and cultural resources. Our team includes land and wildlife managers, a biologist, a full-time educator, and seasonal interns.
Your donation helps us expand our environmental research, conserve resources, and keep our programs free and accessible. Contributions are tax-deductible as permitted by law.
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